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Yin Yoga Teacher Training Level Two (20 hours)

With Megan Moss Freeman + special guest Joe Barnett

Sign-Up + pricing through Kaia Yoga.


In this next level Yin Yoga Training (hybrid online/in-person) we’ll continue to explore our skeletal differences through practice and discussion, this time focusing a bit more on postures for the the upper body. During our in-person session on Saturday, May 14th at Kaia Yoga's New Canaan location we will experiment with some creative chair and wall variations, in addition to assisted yin yoga techniques when working one-on-one with someone. 

The big, overall focus of this training will be looking at how yin yoga can be used as a tool to balance our nervous systems. We'll look at Polyvagal theory and learn techniques to stimulate our vagus nerves and regulate our nervous systems within a yin practice. We will also explore how intimately our nervous and energetic systems are intertwined, through the lens of the chakras, another map of the body we can overlay on top of what we learned in Level 1. Joe Barnett, longtime student and assistant to yin yoga pioneer Paul Grilley, will be joining us virtually to share a Yin Yoga and Chakra Meditation practice along with his invaluable insight on yin yoga and skeletal variations. Bring your questions!!


As always there will be plenty of time for personal practice and discussion of all things Yin. If I can't answer your question I will gladly point you in the right direction. Always happy to share my resources. The idea is to offer ideas and perspectives that might spark interest/insight. This training is geared towards those who have already taken a Level 1 Yin Training with me, however, it is open to all!

Join live on Zoom (suggested if possible!) or watch a recording if you can't make it of the following modules:



Level 2 Schedule:
20 Hours (8 In-person hours, 8 Zoom Hours + 4 Homework/Practice Hours)

(Level 1 ends May 4th)


Tuesday, May 10 5-7pm ONLINE

-Welcome, review and discussion

-Upper Body Yin


Wednesday,  May 11 9am-11am ONLINE

-Upper Body Yin

-Nervous system + Polyvagal theory introduction


Saturday, May 14  9am-6pm  IN PERSON (with virtual option)

-Propping for nervous system regulation

-Wall, Chair + Assisted yin techniques

-Yin for specialized needs
-Personalizing a practice

-Yin/Yang practice for mid-spring


Tuesday, May 17  5-7pm ONLINE

-Joe Barnett Yin + Chakra Meditation Practice and Discussion


Wednesday, May 18th 9-11am ONLINE

-Review, discussion



If desired, upon completion of this course, students will be eligible to receive 20 Continuing Education hours through Yoga Alliance.

Please feel free to reach out with any further questions!

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