A Mid-Winter Yin Yoga Practice
Sunday, January 26 from 2-4pm
Cost: $40
The energy of winter beckons you to snuggle up into yourself for some loving self-inquiry. In this slow and dreamy Yin Yoga workshop we will rest in gentle postures with plenty of time and space to explore our interior world. In this stillness we can begin to see the deeper patterns that weave throughout our physical and energetic forms. Slowly, we learn how to connect to our center and tap into our inner well of wisdom. We will also honor and greet the gradually returning Yang energy through some slow, fluid movements. This practice is designed to nourish you and leave you feeling grounded and connected. Please bring a journal and pen and wear wear comfortable, cozy clothes.
Sunday, January 27 from 2-4pm
Pathfinder Institute / 28 Warren St, NYC