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This intimate gathering will begin with a check-in and then we'll ease into a quiet Yin Yoga practice led by Megan. Letting our body be the guide, we will feel (rather than think) our way into gentle, long-held postures. As we listen and observe, we can begin to unwind our physical selves, and start to move through energetic blocks. Marietta will then lead us into a unique therapeutic form of meditation in which ALL experiences are welcome. There is no requirement to sustain in a rigid body position, follow the breath, or recite a mantra. Rather, in this style of sitting, we are interested in being comfortable, being with what the mind and body naturally gravitate toward, and beginning to trust that the bodymind system actually knows what it needs. After our sit, we will be invited to recall, journal and reflect on our sits and then, have the option to share experiences with the rest of the group.

Cost: $45                Pre-registration required.

What would it be like to fully hold yourself in your own loving arms? To make room and allowances for all of you? The good parts, the uncomfortable and in-progress parts, your wise self, your naive self.....all of it. Imagine looking at yourself with great wonder and appreciation instead of judgement and criticism. In this workshop we will take a loving gaze inside to connect with our spirit. We will support our physical and energetic selves through Yin Yoga, Meditation and some gentle Qi Gong movements as we get quiet and listen to what our hearts are longing for. When we take this kind of tender-loving care of ourselves it naturally reflects out into the world around us and we feel more confident and at ease in our skin. Give yourself the gift of this nurturing and grounding evening this holiday season.

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The Winter Solstice marks the longest night and the most Yin point of the year. It is a time of deep darkness and stillness. It is the pause before the light begins to filter back in. This energy beckons you to snuggle up into yourself for some loving self-inquiry - to drop into your well of wisdom and discover your soul's deepest desires. In this slow and dreamy Yin Yoga workshop we will rest in gentle postures with plenty of time and space to explore our inner world. We will also honor and greet the coming Yang energy through some mindful Qi Gong inspired movements as well. This practice is designed to nourish you and leave you feeling grounded and connected. Please bring a journal and pen and wear comfortable, cozy clothes.

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